We are a San Francisco based premiere symphonic chorus operating as a non-profit organization.
We encourage all experienced singers to join us as we perform four times a year.
We commission new choral works and sing the classics.
Welcome to the San Francisco Choral Society. Despite it all, or maybe because of it all, we sing. We gather every week to breathe, sing, and journey into the world of human experience. We honor each other, and the composers whose gifts we unwrap, by bringing our whole and best selves. We are from many walks of life united to do something special.
Whether you join us to sing or join us to listen, you become part of the San Francisco Choral Society. Welcome!
Inspired by the joy of singing and hearing choral music, the San Francisco Choral Society strives to be a premier symphonic chorus through the outstanding performance of choral masterpieces and new commissioned works.
Our year-round program offers singers the opportunity to perform major choral works with professional orchestras and soloists in front of live audiences. We provide low-cost music instruction to our singers in the form of classes and workshops. We have a student internship program, inviting outstanding local high school and college students to participate with us in the rehearsal and performance experience, at no cost to them.
Photo Credit: Carlin Ma © 2023