Singers and Friends of SF Choral Society,

We would like to invite and encourage you to join our 

Producers’ Circle. 

Inspired by the joy of singing choral music, we venture once again to Davies Symphony Hall, a thrilling place to perform and to attend a performance of Mendelssohn’s Elijah, one of the great masterpieces of the symphonic choral repertoire.

Our Summer Festival Chorus performance on August 10th will be here before we know it, and with it, come costs.  

Performing at Davies is a costly venture worth undertaking because we believe in the value of experiencing choral masterworks as a performer and a listener in a civic hall like Davies. This endeavor will generate over $40k in expenses well in advance of receiving ticket revenues for the concert.

The Producers’ Circle is an opportunity—for those of you who can—to give the gift of this musical experience. You will be making a meaningful contribution to the mission of the SF Choral Society with either a tax-deductible donation, or a loan. 

We're off to the races with &13K so far!


Members of the Producers’ Circle agree to  donate  amounts ranging from a minimum of $250 to $1,000 or more. 


If you participate as a lender, your loan is repaid from the proceeds of the Summer Festival Chorus concert. In the event the concert revenues are not sufficient to repay all the lenders, we look to revenues from the Fall concert and other fundraising to make up any shortfall. 

Although we have never failed to repay a lender who wanted to be repaid, there is a chance that the loans might not be repaid or that we might be able to repay only a proportion of each loan, in which event the unpaid portion of the loans will be converted to a tax-deductible donation. 

If you are making a loan, I will follow up with you to complete and sign the   Loan Agreement Form. 

The Summer Festival Chorus concert in Davies Symphony Hall is special for us. 

Thank you for considering becoming a member of the Producers’ Circle. 

Feel free to contact me with any questions.


Warm Regards,

Devi Brown

Devi Brown 

Treasurer, Board of Directors 

San Francisco Choral Society 

The San Francisco Choral Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, EIN #94-3107344 Donations to SF Choral are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. The value of the goods and services provided to you in exchange for this donation is zero dollars ($0.00).

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