Please read all the information carefully.


Sign-in sheets will be in the lobby of the rehearsal venue for you to sign when you arrive at each rehearsal. The quality of our concert performance depends on regular rehearsal attendance.  Singers may miss a maximum of 3 rehearsals during the rehearsal period. Attendance is required at both dress rehearsals in order to perform in concert with the ensemble. If you need to drop out of the ensemble please let your section leader or the executive director know.


(for participants and staff)
(current as of January 15, 2024*)

HEALTH SCREENING: All singers and staff will be required to assess their health weekly and to refrain from attending rehearsals or concerts when experiencing symptoms of illness. Any singer who has been exposed to a person with a known COVID case should obtain a test before coming to rehearsal, or a performance. Singers who exhibit any symptoms while at rehearsals may be asked to leave.

MASK REQUIREMENT*: Singers and staff are not currently required to wear a mask during rehearsals.  SF Choral will continue monitoring COVID wastewater surveillance, hospitalization rates and reserves the right to change this policy at any time. You are welcome to wear a mask if you choose.

VENTILATION AND AIR EXCHANGE: Exterior doors and windows will be opened during rehearsal to assist full air exchange. In addition, air purifiers will be turned on 1 hour prior to rehearsal in the space. Please dress in layers to keep warm.

*Health and safety protocols will be subject to any immediate changes, based on new data or information that emerges with respect to public health safety. Singers will be informed about any changes throughout the course of the rehearsal period.



After every rehearsal, detailed notes will be emailed to every member of the SF Choral group email list. These notes convey crucial information to singers, including breath marks, intonation, pronunciation, and other music features that were the focus of the previous rehearsal, as well as sections to work on at home before the next rehearsal.


  • Follow all health and safety protocols. Do not attend rehearsals if sick, or possibly sick.
  • Use self-awareness about your health and your best judgment when it comes to health checks.
  • Sick singers will not be allowed to sit in the back of the room in rehearsal.
  • Sign the Attendance Sheet every week you attend, without fail.
  • Check the table in the lobby for other materials of interest.
  • Singer Comportment Policy – Click here
  • Be in your seat promptly at 7:00 p.m. and at the designated time after the break.
  • Please put your cell phone away during rehearsal.
  • Bring a pencil to all rehearsals.
  • Write all choral instructions, e.g. breath marks, dynamics, measure numbers, etc. in your score.
  • Keep the aisles clear of bags, coats, bicycles, and other stuff. Accidents have happened.
  • No talking or whispering during rehearsals, unless absolutely necessary.
  • Please remember to NOT wear any kind of scent to rehearsals or concerts. Many people are allergic to scented perfume, hairspray, deodorant, etc.
  • Clean up after yourself. At the end of rehearsal, check your area to be sure you haven’t left water bottles, trash, or anything else you brought to rehearsal. If you bring it in, bring it out.


Rehearsal are always on Tuesday nights, 7pm to 10pm.

Rehearsal Venue TBA

Each term has one Saturday morning rehearsal. (TBA)

Learn more about auditions here.

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